Friday, March 23, 2012

Wolf Parade- Dear Sons And Daughters Of Hungry Ghosts

I don't understand my relationship to this song, but what I do understand is the fact that every time I listen to it, your existence hurts that little bit more...

Eluded Delusion

Then it begins.
It starts. that feeling of despair.
No... But cannot be found
A vanishing act. That peace of mind-
Shattered to a million voices.
Voices that elude you,
Elude your sanity.
You break. You melt.
The heat of the insanity- chars.
You begin to blur. Who am I?
A distant memory?
A continuing illusion?
A marble. Rolled along the sand of an hourglass.
Stuck. Time... Ceases.
Your brain feeds away at your solitude.
Alone... But with so many around you.
Alone... and the isolation broils.
I... Am a waste of your time.
You. Cultivate my thoughts.



Can you explain the darkness?
Engulfing your existence.
A magnified portrayal,
Of what can be.
YOU are the end of the tunnel,
But the tunnel isn't illuminated,
The tunnel is a matrix,
From which the emerging reality sinks.
That dread.
The silence- disappears only to be replaced.
Replaced by the never-ending black whole of emotion.
Breathe me in. Dispersed.
In- Out- In- Out- till all that remains is a speck of what could have been.
You. You are my surreality- you are the occasion, the hope- you are the unattainable.
Want- is not explosive.
Need- is nuclear.
Submerse me. Drown me in that look.
Fill my lungs with all that you are.
Make us one.
But... You are the end of the tunnel,
And the tunnel is my infinity...

H. Mal

Sunday, October 30, 2011

in·fla·tion - (n-flshn) n. 1. The act of inflating or the state of being inflated.

I wrote this a few years back on a different blog, but felt its worth being posted again...

"Money is a burden... to have and to not have. But I guess we already knew that!

In recent days I have been dumbfound by the extent of the inflation the world is going through. I wouldn't have realised it if I hadn't been so well trained by my dad and grandma (:P) to bargain shop at the supermarket. This is a statistic I heard on a news channel that I absolutely could not believe, at the end of june it was said that by september (though prices had already risen at least 25%) prices will further increase another 50%.... FIFTY!! Can you even understand that? Frankly I don't.

Around mid 20th century, there were two schools of economics that debated the real reason behind inflation. Baring in mind we are talking about modern day inflation rather than monetary inflation (which ironicaly means an increase in money supply rather than an increase in prices). There was the "monetarists" who argued that money supply dominated all other factors in determining inflation, i.e. the countries money supply increases and it can increase its prices to accommodate, while "keynesians" argued that real demand often dominated inflation than changes in the money supply, i.e. there is an increased demand on, say flour, thus they increase the price since it's manufacturing or importation has been reduced significantly.

Great educational value... you're wrong! I know I am going to sound so rediculous, but hear me out. Maybe there is increased demand, maybe there isincresed money supply (which is heighly doubtful), but why would there be increased demand... Look at the worlds population, in 195o there were a mere 2.5 billion people, how many are we now? 6.5 billion, and this is all approximate, what's scarier is how many we'll be in 2050... take a wild guess... the worlds population will increase by approxamately 3 billion. Increased demand because we are multiplying far too much. Yes, I'm probably the last person who would say this, because I want kids more than anything, but people cool down on the off-springing! Will we... no, because it's our human instinct to make people, God made it that way! Then we should probably find another way to fix things.

The “oh so great” U.S. of A. were so generous to their inhabitants, that they decided to reduce taxes, this was of course under President Bush's federal governments rule, but wait a second, they reduced their taxes whilst inflation was occurring, meaning that every dollar that anyone saves has less purchasing power each year! Yeah, the taxes didn't do much did they? Except start controvertial wars that probably resulted in the inflation in the first place. Do you know how much a barrel of gasoline costs in England... a full tank would set you back 500 saudi riyal, in a normal sized car!

Science and technology isn't helping much either. instead of home grown natural fruites and vegetables, some obsessive compulsive scientist decided he wants all his tomatos a certain shade of red and the same size and all his carrots the same length and width and oh dear god if he saw any green! So instead of paying the price of the farming and the profit for the outlet, we now pay the price for the farming, genetic engineering, and the outlet, and I'll tell you the genetics isn't that cheap.

From where I see it, we shoud just blow up the whole world and start over. but because that's probably impossible, we'll have to resort to patience. We'll continue multiplying, we'll continue trusting our leaders, and we will always have mad scientist. we just have to pray they won't get any madder.

And by the way, Money will always be a burden..."

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Serj Tankian - Charades

If love is strong go ahead and end your world with your charades...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cynicism is Peace of Mind

I have a friend who's one of those people that have a great way of dealing with people. Never expect anything, except the fact that everyone around you is thinking about themselves and themselves only...

I always put my faith in people. I trust people beyond a level that would keep my heart intact when that faith is shattered. Which is always the case.

I almost always wish I was like him, though I also disagree with his "method". Then I look at my frame of mind and his after an argument and I realize he's much more better off than I am. What I do is by no measure just dueling... I leave my sanity. It becomes a state not just a thought I can't get rid of.

Cynicism... no expectations... but is it human? I think it's in our nature to trust, maybe its selfish to burden a human with our trust. Giving them something that they can break and as a consequence break us... that too is human nature, breaking bonds, breaking that faith we keep within ourselves, between each other.

Shattered and pretty confused. In fact, thinking about trust produces a brain storm so confusing, so messy that it doesn't make sense anymore... we always tell ourselves never to depend on anyone.... Dependence IS trust... peace of mind that's what he has...

Cynicism is peace of mind.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"To Thy Own Self Be True"

Everyday we are faced with the obstacle of life. We wake up every morning and think of what life will bring our way.... a hurdle that could lead to achievement or one that will just create that little bit of chaos we need to snap us into reality when we fly away!

Most of us live for people, we give our souls and energy to please those around us. Sometimes, we have to, a wife, a husband, a parent or just that person who everyone relies on. It's just THEIR human nature.

We forget ourselves.. we lose our identity. Why? we don't give us time... thats what we have to change. Think of us, think of you... but is it possible to do that with out damaging the structure of life, without creating a hurdle for someone else to conquer?

An old friend once quoted "To thy own self be true"... she believed in individuality, in being unique. She didn't strive like most of us do to become unique... she just happened to be... a breath of fresh air, someone so different that she was so normal. A mold made for me to be friends with... but she too changed to fit everyone else's mold...

Life pushes us to be what we are, people say we can control it, but it isn't true, those hurdles, they are the moments in life that make you who you are... if they push you to forget who your are then that's that... that's who you'll be... patience is virtue...