Why did i start this blog... well, there are just certain thing that you can't write in a shared blog (atriumphantpursuit.blogspot.com). Why? Superficially I feel safer to write on something that is just mine... because i need to think of me for a while, and this is where that will happen.
Life has been grabbing me by the arm and just spinning me round and round, this last year has been too much, too many things have happened that made me reflect back on some of the choices that I have made, on some the paths that life has taken me on... and I learn, everyday there is something new to hold on to and remember. What? lives pasts presents and futures!
I find myself writing all the time, random thoughts that all come together and actually (to my surprise) make sense... Wherever I go, all the time, I have something crowding my head...
So here it is, you could call it garbage, you could call it whatever... but to me this is my vision, my thoughts, my dreams... this is my life!
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